Minoka Trail Project
At our February Chapter meeting Gary Flippin and T.L. Lauerman proposed the Minoka Trail Project for improvement and enjoyment of the Rim Shoal's Walk - In Fishing Access. The trail is 3/4 of a mile long and parallels some of the best trout fishing water in the White River. It is hoped that the trail will keep anglers off the railroad tracks , away from danger and closer to the river. On the river side opposite the trail is Forrest Wood's Property that is managed for wildlife and which provides a scenic vista for trail users. This will be an on-going Chapter project and will eventually have maintained spur trails to the river shoals and some benches and tables for users enjoyment. We hope to have a Kiosk at the Trail's entry to list information about the Trail and to assist user's enjoyment of the Trail.
On Saturday, April 8 , seventeen Chapter Members and friends cleared the trail using lopers, chain saws, clippers and weed eaters. We followed a simple trail formula as related by Roy Stoval of the North Cental Arkansas Master Naturalists. He suggested we clear 2-3 feet either side of the trail middle and 2-3 feet overhead to provide users with a comfortable trail. We were able to complete a simple trail by lunch time. The river access spurs will need improvement and the trail itself will be improved as we progress.
A feast of fried catfish, fries, hush puppies, pickles and brownies were prepared and served up by Gary and Paula Flippin and Wendy Luna. Volunteers clearing the trail and enjoying the lunch were: Mike Benton, Roger Gamache, Larry Barto, Vern Berry, Bob Sinclair, Danny Sabo, Ken Sickels, Rick Dubai, Ryan- T.L.'s co-worker at Wapsi, Gary and Paula Flippin,Tom Emerick, Phil Womack, Kim Framton, Bill Thorne, Sara Thorne and Wendy Luna. Gary related some local history as Paula rolled her eyes and we were entertained by the local dog show. Bill Thorne , our National TU Representative for the Diversity Initiative, thanked all for their participation.
When the Trail is completed and maintained we will have a Project we can be proud of. Special thanks to Roy Stoval of Master Naturalists for his advice on the trail and for his program about trail making at our May Chapter meeting. We have a tentative date of Saturday, November 4th for our next work day.